Archive for September, 2012

Sep 13 2012


Published by under Vocal Production

This week I am starting a weekly post to give you tips for maximum impact with your voice and in all your communication. If you would like to receive these weekly tips in your inbox, please send me a note via my contact form to be added to my list. We will not share your information.



Just do it!

Not to steal Nike’s tagline, but the next time you give a talk,  take time to inhale and exhale deeply just before you get up to speak.  Then, as you start to speak, breathe into your first words.  Do this every time you give a presentation. You’ll be more relaxed thus improving your credibility.

Breathe, breathe, breathe and breathe again.  Of course, breathing isn’t everything.  Talent, skill and your message are also important, but if you are short of breath, you’ll be hard pressed to demonstrate those wonderful talents and skills, and you’ll struggle to make your message come to life. And if that doesn’t work, call me. We’re taking new clients.

For more on this, please read Breathe Life Into Your Talk on my blog.


More resources for breathing:

Breathing: 3 Exercises  from Andrew Weil

Breathing, the Seductive Key to Unlocking Your Vocal Variety on Six Minutes

Breathing Techniques from the University of South Florida

Join me on my Facebook page , on Linked-In , or follow me on Twitter. I welcome any comments or questions.


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