Jul 31 2008

Tired voice?

Published by at 4:09 PM under Vocal Health



Do you talk on the phone for hours every day? In spite of the time we all seem to spend on the internet and using e-mail, most of our important communication still requires us to talk to each other. However, many people use their voices in ways that are damaging to their health and even their credibility.  If you end up hoarse or vocally fatigued at the end of the day you might be one of those people. Here are some simple things you can do right away to have a healthier voice and more vocal impact:

  • Though it might be tempting to talk at the water cooler, plan breaks in your day to rest your voice instead.
  • Sip water all day long (this is where the water cooler comes in!).
  • Put your wireless to use and walk around when you talk on the phone so that you give proper breath support for your voice.  You’ll sound more energetic and confident too!
  • If you need to use your voice in public speaking for more than a couple of hours at a time, build up its endurance. Practice speaking at home as if you were giving a presentation. Start by practicing for a half hour at a time. Gradually increase your practice sessions until you can work in two-hour periods without any trouble.
  • Don’t let the pitch of your voice fall too low when it’s tired.  Sit or stand up straight when you talk. Hum often to keep your voice warm.  Besides, it’s good for you.  Humming has the effect of an “inner massage” as well!


2 responses so far

2 Responses to “Tired voice?”

  1. Markon 10 Sep 2008 at 4:27 PM

    Very interesting.

    It’s good to know that if this current gig doesn’t work out for me, I can still get into politics. 🙂

    Great to hear from you both, this will be enjoyable to be a part of.


  2. Drewon 07 Dec 2008 at 6:02 PM

    Hi- Nice website. And thanks for the advice about a tired voice. Can anyone tell me about speaking from the diaphragm? Sounds good but I just don’t understand how to do it.

    I teach professional development classes and I have to talk for 6 hours daily, and classes last 2-3 days. It just kills me. I’d really appreciate any more advice.

    Many thanks-


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